Welcome to Earth Light Energies Inc. Certification in Reiki Class


Welcome!  I am as excited as you- maybe even more excited as I know what an amazing journey is in store for you.  Your introduction to Reiki started when you decided to take this class as whether you are aware or not, you are being made ready.  This is a very personal and landmark journey.  Come with an open mind and heart. 

Reiki is the path…

In Health, Harmony & Happiness,  


Pre-Class Webinar I introduced the pre-class webinar a few years ago and I have found it very effective.  This will give you a chance to meet your fellow students as well, help to understand some of the logistics of the two days you will be in Class.  There is homework assigned and you are strongly encouraged to do as much of it as possible before class as this will greatly reduce time spent in class.  This meeting is 1 hour 30 mins long.  You will also be given a ‘clearing’ which will allow you to experience the power of distance healing, as well, it gets you ready for class, energetically.  The Pre-Class webinar is the Monday evening before class starts.  It begins at 7 pm.  There is no content taught in this webinar as it would be a violation of the Canadian Reiki Association policy.

Post-Class Webinar A week after class we will have a short meeting- usually 30 mins to 60 mins in length.  This is a nice way to wrap up class, discuss anything that may have come up in the week after class as well, follow up on your assigned homework.

Keeping Your Field Clean and Clear What?  Field clear?  This may be a new concept to you!  That is ok, by the end of the weekend it will be clearer.  The field is your energetic field around your body or you may understand it as your Auric Field.  In the past couple of years, with all that is going on in the world, I have added two more requirements to the pre-class work.  It is essential you have had at least one Reiki session prior to class.  In addition, you are required to 12D Shield and CV Clear every day in the week before class.  Feel free to do these as often as you like once you have received them, however, it is essential to do both every day prior to class. One will be sent from Google Drive under my name, the other will be sent via email from Earth Light Energies Inc.

Drugs/Alcohol Prior to and During Class Alcohol and drugs of any kind, other than prescription of course, (even cannabis and CBD oil) cannot be in your system or taken within 24 hours of class or during the two days of class.  This is a zero tolerance policy on for a few reasons.  If this is something you do, no judgement, it is your choice, but these substances do not mix well with class for several reasons; not to mention, they make Swiss cheese of your auric field which leaves you vulnerable for entity attachment.  

Required Reading You will receive two manuals.  The International Centre for Reiki Training “Reiki the Healing Touch First and Second Degree” manual and the “Earth Light Energies Supplemental Manual”.  Please read through the chapters on what Reiki is and the history of Reiki before class.  We will be going over in detail the first topic and very little on the second.  The Supplemental Manual contains a section on how to prepare for a Reiki Placement.  Please read this at least a week prior to class.  More will be explained at the Pre-Class Webinar.

 When you arrive at Co-working 176, 176 Lakeshore Drive:  Between 8 and 8:10 am You can drop your things in the waiting room area and take your lunch down to the Café.  There are two fridges- you are free to use whichever one you wish. This is where we will have lunch.  If the weather is good, you are free to use the inner courtyard. No food will be allowed in the Studio or Meeting Room or Suite 1C.  You will be notified before class which room your class will be held. Come back to the waiting room outside the Studio.  You will wait there until I come to find you to bring your belongings into the Studio or Meeting Room.  You will then return to the waiting room to do your journal work prior to class starting. Outerwear, cell phones and purses can be kept in Suite 1C- Earth Light Energies. No cell phones are allowed on or in the classroom.

 A few things:

•        Class begins at 8:15 am. Please arrive between 8-8:10 am to get settled. I know it is early, but we have a full day.

•        Classes will be a full day from 8:15-5:30; 1 hour lunch and two breaks.

•        Wear layers and comfortable clothing

•        You can use supplied blankets or yoga mats or bring your own.  

•        Bring indoor shoes, slippers or socks or flip flops for your feet

•        Bring water container or bottle

•        Journal

•        Pen

•        It is best not to wear any jewelry unless it is crystals

•        Follow the “Preparing for a Reiki Placement” as best you can before class

•        Bring a crystal or several crystals if you wish. Cell phones are to be turned off during class.

•        Bring a lunch and anything else you feel you may need to eat/snack on.

•        Please bring your Manual and read at least What is Reiki and The History of Reiki sections prior to class.


The following will be provided:

 If you have food allergies, please let me know.

•        Snacks - limited

•        Water

•        Tea - herbal

Lunch You can leave for lunch or stay at 176, though I highly recommend you stay onsite for lunch to be able to talk to your fellow students as well as stay in the space of what is being created.  If you stay, please bring your lunch. There is a full-size kitchen (the Café).  There are two fridges, microwaves, oven, stove, kettle, cups, glasses, cutlery, plates etc. 

Recording Class Information I am often asked if the class can be recorded.  Unfortunately, nothing can be recorded.  The material covered under the ICRT manual is copyrighted.  I have provided a supplemental manual to provide you with other information.  You are free to take as many notes as you like!